I can see why these connect to the community apps could be pretty handy. I checked out my alma mater SCSU. It was fun to "see" the campus, as I have not been there for years! The app was easy to use, but looks like it was really set up for recruitment rather than alumni.
St. Paul Connect seems like a good idea for residents to connect with street maintenance and public officials - since I'm not in St. Paul I didn't spend much time with it.
I was lurking on some of the other 23 things blogs and found out about MN 511 app which would be really useful. I often check the MN Dot cameras to find out about major traffic issues. If I actually owned a device, you can be sure I would be using that one.
The Minnesota State Fair app looks pretty "sweet" too. Maybe one of my state fair companions will own a smart phone and I won't be passing the same vendors as I walk in circles to get to my favorites.